Smoking vs Vaping CBD Flower: Pros, Cons, and What You Need to Know
Definition and Composition of CBD Flower
CBD flowers come directly from the hemp plant. They are the most raw and unprocessed form of CBD. You could pluck the buds off the plant yourself and have the finished article. CBD hemp flowers are rich in cannabidiol and other natural compounds, that now many use as part of their wellness routine.
The difference between the cannabis plant and hemp plant, is the levels of THC. The version of these plants that contain low levels of THC, below 0.2% according to the misuse of drugs act, produces our CBD buds.
For those people that desire the benefits of cannabis, but without the psychoactive effects of the THC, CBD flower is hugely popular. As opposed to conventional marijuana/cannabis flower. So now we have cleared up what CBD hemp flower is, let's talk about the ways to consume it.
How CBD Flower Works
How does it get into your system
People have been consuming CBD flower for over a decade. Now with the rapid rise of the vape pen, and other vape devices, there is a new argument on CBD flower. What is the best method to consume it?
To answer this question we first need to look at how the CBD gets into your system. When vaping or smoking CBD hemp flower, the beneficial compounds are absorbed through the lungs or digestive system. This leads to slower onset effects than direct usage with CBD oil. Generally this can take up to an hour.
CBD flower compared to other methods, can last longer in your system. Typically 4-6 hours. This can be a great benefit for those using CBD for pain conditions, anxiety and other health problems. Essentially it will aid you in your condition for longer than other forms of CBD.
So now we know that both flower consumption methods are absorbed in the same way, we now need to look at the differences between smoking and vaping.
Vaping vs Smoking CBD Flower
Comparison of the two Methods
The key differences are in how the CBD is heated. Vaping your CBD flower will heat the plant material gently, at a low temperature to produce a vapour. Whereas smoking your CBD flower will involve lighting the buds with a flame, either in a joint or bong or pipe. Instead of inhaling the vapour you will get the actual smoke.
For the two methods of consuming the cannabinoids, vaping is more discrete than smoking. It generally produces less of a smell, and can allow more subtle ways to enjoy the benefits of CBD. However for many marijuana smokers, who have made the switch from THC to CBD, vaping does not give the same satisfaction as smoking itself.
Either way the CBD enters your system in the same way. There is no optimal temperature to burn your cannabis products. And there are many advantages to vaping or smoking, whichever you prefer. So now we have clarified the differences, lets talk about health and other things to consider.
Choosing the Right Method to take your CBD
Factors to Consider when making your decision
Personal preference is the first point I would raise. in your dry herb vape you have great control over how much CBD you are ingesting, and it may also be a more efficient way to consume your dried flower. Some people prefer the vaporizer so as to not feel as though they are smoking cigarettes. It also will be generally cheaper, as you lose less of your CBD to the air.
Cannabis vaping has also become a pretty big thing of late. Especially with the legality for medicinal reasons. It's current legal status means that there has been lots of development in the capabilities of the dry herb vapes. Allowing people to enjoy CBD, cannabis and their potential health benefits, without putting so much risk of lung injury or heavy metal consumption that can happen from smoking.
You should also consider discretion. Are you consuming your dry herbs in public? Will the, although slightly less intense, marijuana smell that comes from your CBD be an issue for people around you?
If so using disposable pens with flavoured CBD vape juice or dry herb vapes, are much more discrete. The way the vapes heat the cannabis flowers means they do not produce as much smell.
Make sure you also consider the risks
However it is not all sunshine and rainbows for vaping CBD flower. We have looked a lot at the potential benefits of vaping, but it is important to remember, that vaping is a relatively new thing. Though public health bodies have criticised smoking for the exposure to harmful chemicals, academics have also warned of the dangers of vaping.
Vaping for recreational use, has been shown to also expose you to harmful compounds over long periods of time. And you must also remember that there has not been enough time to know what long term effects can come from it.
Smoking your CBD flower is more traditional. It is tried and tested. You know what you are going to get. You know you will get your dose of cannabinoids straight into your system. It is also preferred by many marijuana smokers, due to the satisfaction that vaping can't give you.
Generally when making this call it is down to individual preferences, as long as you take these things into account. In general if you are so worried about your health, you can even bake your CBD into edibles. People love a good hash brownie recipe.
CBD Flower vs CBD Oil
Key Differences
Now to get into the differences between consuming CBD flower, and other CBD products. CBD oil is another cannabis product, that is available without prescription. It is popular among many who are not smokers, and wish to gain their CBD benefits without the effects to their lungs.
Some of these oils are made into vape juice and ingested by those that prefer vaping. But relative to the CBD flower, it contains trace amounts of cannabinoids, and comes from a much more processed lineage.
There is limited evidence to show that in oil form, CBD is better or worse for you. What can be said is that CBD flower is more natural, unprocessed and simple to consume. People have been smoking hemp flower for thousands of years. Our ancestors did not have the resources to turn this into a vape oil.
In the case of evidence, we have plenty on marijuana usage over long periods of time. Definitely less so for vapes.
Medical Cannabis Oil and CBD Hemp Flower
Medical Applications
Cannabis islegal in the UK for medicinal use. You can even go and get your prescription. This comes off the back of thousands of years of usage in history. CBD flower is the version that does not get you high.
People use CBD flower or cannabis oil to treat conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, sleep and stress related issues. The rise of medical cannabis has also correlated with that of the vaporizer. It has become a way for the legality to not cause too much public disturbance due to the reduced smell.
If you wish to get your prescription for cannabis oil of flower you should see your doctor to determine the best route to go down for your treatment. However most people with a little more experience self-medicating, can do so easily with CBD flower.
Safety and Precautions
Risks and Precautions
Vaping CBD flower may be safer in some ways, but also not in others. Some people buy their vape oils and don't realise how unregulated the vape. oil market is. Using a flower, directly into your dry herb vape is a much safer route to go down.
The CDC, Centre for Disease Control, warned that vaping can also contribute to lung disease. Obviously as a newer method the research will take time to catch up. However if the Centre for disease control tells you that your vaporizer may not be as healthy as you think, it may be worth considering.
CBD products can always come with a risk. Make sure you are getting yours from a trusted CBD flower shop, you can check out our range of lab tested, lab tested premium CBD flower today.
Best Practices for Vaping and Smoking CBD Flower
Tips for Safe and Effective Use
A couple quick tips here from me to make sure you are being safe with your CBD.
Make sure you have allowed enough time for your vape to heat up to the correct temperature
How dry, wet or dense does your CBD flower feel. Make sure you only grind enough as you plan to vape or put into your joint.
Don't pack your vape or your joint too tightly. It can take away from how well it will burn.
Do not buy random vape pens. Make sure any pre made vape pen, or vape oil comes from a reputable source.
If you are going to smoke your CBD, be aware of your surroundings and disturbing others.
Always consume your CBD in moderation. Whether in a vaporizer or in a spliff be aware of the health risks.
If you are switching to CBD from THC or suffering from any other substance use disorder, consider consulting your GP for help first.
Do your research and be aware of the entourage effect, so you know how the cannabinoids all work together in your system.
In conclusion there is no real right answer to which method is better. There are definitely health risks that come from smoking, and there may be slightly less that come from using a vaporizer, but there is no way to know for sure until the research catches up.
If you have read this guide and still can't decide whether to vape or smoke your CBD flower, I would suggest start out with the smoking. It is more accessible, you don't need to buy an expensive dry herb vape and you can get papers from your local corner shop.
It is important to recognise that alongside these methods, if you wish to protect your lungs altogether, you can try making your CBD hemp flowers or CBD hash into edibles.